miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

I'm believer

We invented a choreography for the song I'm believer. It was a little difficult. Because we don't have a good coordination. Finally, we did correct.
Our teacher had a good idea. It consisted of putting different papers in our body with the words that we learnt in class.
By last, we record it.

Radio programme

First, we have searched about different topics to talk about it in the radio programme. For example; Vera seacherd about some issues, Rocio searched about the weather and I searched about some trends. Hector was the presenter.
We put all the information in one document and we did a dialogue. After, we were practising more than three time so that when it was recorded it would be perfect.
Finally, we recorded it with a special program in a laptop.
The name of the radio programs is called Macotera Radio Programme.

Also we searched information about some types of music. We did a dialogue but we didn't recorded.

Bim Bam

We learn to do a choreography about Bim Bam song. We learn it seeing this video:

It is easier than I thought. I had a fun time practising it.
Finally, our teacher recorded us dancing it.

You can see here:


Also, I learn some words like clap and snap.

martes, 19 de junio de 2018

Farewell party

Our native teacher come back to America. So, we decided to organize a farewell party.

Listening's poster

We did a big poster with some of the summaries about listening. Also, we put a image and the name of the listening.
We cut out with different shapes and we stick it.

martes, 1 de mayo de 2018

The Voice

We did a big poster with information about the voice. It includes the definition of it. And the parts of it. We also put three photos. 

lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

The music in our daily live

We did a big poster with information about the music in our daily live.
We looked for articles about it and some pictures. Then we put the information with the pictures in one poster and then we put in class.

Presentation about Max´s bass

Max is our native teacher. He did a presentation about his favorite instrument. It is the bass. He explained the parts and how can we play it. Also he explain how long has he been playing the bass. 
After that, he spoke about extra elements to modify the sound. 

I have one video but I can't upload because it occupies more than 100mb.
So, you can click to see it:

viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Summary about a song (VII)

Few days ago, we listen to a listening in class. It is called The Champion League listening. After we had to do a summary about it. Then you can read it: 

The Champion League listening:

We always listen to a music when a football match of the UEFA Champions League. But we don’t know the origin or where it comes from.

This song has three versions. The first version is more different than the other two version.

It was written by Tony Britten  in 1992. He took lots of ideas from a hymn written for the coronation of the English king  in 1727. The hymn is called Zadok the Priest.

You can listen to it:

First version:  https://youtu.be/jI0YOPoj4t0

Summary about a song (VI)

Few days ago, we listen to a listening in class. It is called I'm a believer. After we had to do a summary about it. Then you can read it: 

I'm a believer
This song makes me feel very happy. It reminds me when I was watching Shrek when I was little. I like it so much.
It was published in the year 1966. It is sung by Smash Mouth. It belongs to the pop rock genre. It lasts 2:47 minutes. It is composed by Neil Diamond. It's about love.

You can listen to it:


Summary about a song (V)

Few days ago, we listen to a listening in class. It is called The sorcerer's apprentice, by P.Dukas. After we had to do a summary about it. Then you can read it: 

The sorcerer's apprentice, by P.Dukas

It makes me feel very happy. That reminds me of events that happened to me when I was little. And it also reminds me of a persecution. Paul Dukas wrote it in 1897. It was inspired by a ballad by Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

You can listen to it:

Summary about a song (IV)

Few days ago, we listen to a listening in class. It is called Bohemian Rhapsody. After we had to do a summary about it. Then you can read it: 
Bohemian Rhapsody :

It is a rock song.  It has four singer and each one play one instrument. Roger Taylor plays the electric guitar. Brian May plays the drums. John Deacon plays the bass. Freddie Mercury plays the piano. They are in a group called Queen. When they sing, they use variations of volume to add life and variety to their works.

You can listen to it:

Summary about a song (III)

Few days ago, we listen to a listening in class. It is called Typewriter. After we had to do a summary about it. Then you can read it: 


Its composer is Leroy Anderson. One of his best-known is the Typewriter. It´s play by one typewriter. We can listen in it that the composer changes the velocity. We also can listen a bell warning that it had arrived at the end of the line and the lever the roller.

Summary about a song (II)

Few days ago, we listen to a listening in class. It is called Tritsch-tratsch Polka. J. Strauss II. After we had to do a summary about it. Then you can read it:

Listening A: Tritsch-tratsch Polka. J. Strauss II

This listening makes me happy. And I think that it is funny. When I'm listening to it, it reminds me of a very funny chase.
In it they sing in german. There is a large group of musicians, they play percussion instrument and they changes the volumen. It has got a eat very strong. In the beginning,  the melody doesn't repeat and there is an introduction with two orchestra hits.

You can listen to it:

Summary about a song

Few days ago, we listen to a listening in class. It is called Adagio, Secret Garden. After we had to do a summary about it. Then you can read it:

Listening B: Adagio, Secret Garden

This listening makes me feel sad and chill. The mood of it is dramatic. It reminds me of sad situations.

The beat of it is weaker near the end. All of the piece has the same volume. And the melody is very important, more than other elements. There isn’t intro before the soloist comes in, he or she plays a string instrument. For example, the violin and the viola. And the orchestra accompanies the soloist.

You can listen to it there:

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018


I think that in the second part of the grade I didn't done much. Perhaps I could did better. The activity that I like most was the feelings. I learnt a lot of words related to different feelings. Also we did in class some posters and activities.  We did a lot of activities related to music, thanksgiving day and black friday. Also about instruments. I learnt a lot of with it. But I had to have better attitude and give the jobs on time.
But not all was bad. I have passed lots of funny times in class with all and doing activities.

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2018


It is a app to invent our own scores. With different notes and rests. We can use intervals and chords.Or the different note values with its rests. It's a example:

The human voice


- The voice is the sound produced in a person's larynx and uttered through the mouth, as speech or song.
- The timbre is a quality of sound that allows you to recognise a type of voice or instrument.
- It is the man's oldest instrument.
- When a group of people or a person sing without instrumental accompaniment, called a capella.


- Breathing:

It is the process of bringing the air to the lungs and then expelling it. It has three parts:
   *Inhalation:  It consists of taking air through the nose and bring it to the lungs, through the trachea.
   *Retention: In between inhalation and exhalation, air is kept in the lungs.
   *Exhalation: It consists of expelling the air in the lungs through the trachea and finally through the mouth.

- Voice production:

The pressure of the air leaving the lungs causes the vocal cords to vibrate. The greater the force of air moving through them, the higher the intensity of the sound produced, producing volume. The greater the tension applied to the vocal cords, the higher or lower the pitch of the sound.

- Resonators:

They amplify and strengthening the sound.

The project about one instrument

I had to do a project about one listening and them show in class.
First, I searched information about the xylophone. After that, I put the main ideas in a presentation. Finally I had to put different images to explain some parts.

Music in our daily life

All the class did a project about the music in our daily life. Each classmates searched different information about it and some photos. Finally we put the information in common. After that, we wrote in a big cardboard with felt pens and pens. Also we stuck the photos with its information.

For example, I searched about how the music can help you in different situations. Or what happens when you listen music in the car or with your friends.
Another classmates searched about if the music helps you to concentrate when you are studying. Or the advantages of facing difficult situations with music.

Stop motion

In groups, we are doing a project. We have to explain all the theory with paper, cardboards, clay, "goma eva" and more material.  After we have to do more than 200 photographs. Finally, we have to do a video.

I am going to explain the process. In my group we did more than 200 photographs. We put different parts about the differents thing that we learnt in class. First we had to organize all the information, and them put in the "goma eva", colored paper and cardboard. Finally we had to cut everything.

The next step: I did all the photos with my mobile and I edited it. While Barbara and Laura were organization the information to do the photos.

Finally, Hector rode the video and put the music.

I think that this project was very difficult but it was the first we did. At the same time I learnt about the pitch and how we could represent. And we learnt to job in group, despite we discussed.

I can't upload the video because I have a problem. I will try it.

jueves, 11 de enero de 2018


I couldn't do well the exams, study more the theory and have a better actitud before; but now I can study more and do well the activities or exam, answer better when the teacher asks me and put attention to the videos or presentation. And I improved the pronuntiation.

I liked most study the sound and answer the questions and when the teacher preparated a "pasapalabra" for us, it was very funny!!!!!!

I liked doing the stop motion with my team.
I did well the presentation of my blog and put attention in the songs to write in the activity. Finally, I learn many things.