miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

I'm believer

We invented a choreography for the song I'm believer. It was a little difficult. Because we don't have a good coordination. Finally, we did correct.
Our teacher had a good idea. It consisted of putting different papers in our body with the words that we learnt in class.
By last, we record it.

Radio programme

First, we have searched about different topics to talk about it in the radio programme. For example; Vera seacherd about some issues, Rocio searched about the weather and I searched about some trends. Hector was the presenter.
We put all the information in one document and we did a dialogue. After, we were practising more than three time so that when it was recorded it would be perfect.
Finally, we recorded it with a special program in a laptop.
The name of the radio programs is called Macotera Radio Programme.

Also we searched information about some types of music. We did a dialogue but we didn't recorded.

Bim Bam

We learn to do a choreography about Bim Bam song. We learn it seeing this video:

It is easier than I thought. I had a fun time practising it.
Finally, our teacher recorded us dancing it.

You can see here:


Also, I learn some words like clap and snap.

martes, 19 de junio de 2018

Farewell party

Our native teacher come back to America. So, we decided to organize a farewell party.

Listening's poster

We did a big poster with some of the summaries about listening. Also, we put a image and the name of the listening.
We cut out with different shapes and we stick it.