domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017

sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2017

Thanksgiving day and black friday

The thanksgiving day and black friday, our native teacher prepared a presentation for us. We had to put different main ideas and after, we did five phrases with the main ideas.

After that, we listened to a song and we did an activity with it. This activity was very entertaining.


In class we did two posters, each poster was made by a group. In one poster, my group, put different feelings. This activity was very interesting and I learn about feelings.

After we did a poster with the different qualities of the sound. They are: duration, pitch, intensity and timbre. This activity also was very interesting.

martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017

jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017

Can't stop the feelling!

We saw this song in music's class. I like much this film. We did an activity, for me it was easy.
Justin Timberlake sings pop.

Sound and qualities

Sound is something that you can hear. The sound can be pleasant or unpleasant, if the sound is unpleasant it is called noise. The sound is represented by waves.
The absence of sound is silence.

Resultado de imagen de waves of sound

Qualities of sound:

Duration: It describes when a sound is long or short. We represent de duration with note values and rests. Also we represented with the time signature (compases).

Resultado de imagen de american notes values

Pitch: It describes when a sound is high(er) or low(er). It's represented with notes and G clef or F clef and with notes.
Resultado de imagen de g clef and f clef

The notes are representing on the staff  (group of four spaces and five lines):

Intensity: It describes when a sound is loud or quiet.


jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017

My Presentation

Hello my name is Ana. I'm twelve years old. I'm from Tordillos, it is a small village between Peñarandilla and Macotera. Every day I go to highschool by bus. In my free time I watch series on the computer and I go out with my friends. My favorite subject is PE. I listen to music when I am sad. I listen to Beret and when I'm happy I listen reggeton. My favorite singer is J Balvin.

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